Koen Helwegen
Contact info
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Center for Neurogenomics and Cognitive Research (CNCR)
Department of Complex Trait Genetics
W&N building, room B-643
De Boelelaan 1085
1081 HV Amsterdam
The Netherlands -
Short CV
2021 – present: | PhD candidate at VU University |
2018 – 2021: | Deep Learning Scientist at Plumerai |
2015 – 2018: | MSc Mathematical Sciences at Utrecht University |
2012 – 2015: | BSc Liberal Arts & Sciences at University College Utrecht |
– Helwegen, K., Widdicombe, J., Geiger, L., Liu, Z., Cheng, K. T., & Nusselder, R. (2019). Latent weights do not exist: Rethinking binarized neural network optimization. NeurIPS 32, 7533-7544.
– Bannink, T., Bakhtiari, A., Hillier, A., Geiger, L., de Bruin, T., Overweel, L., Neeven, J. & Helwegen, K. (2020). Larq compute engine: Design, benchmark, and deploy state-of-the-art binarized neural networks. Proceedings of Machine Learning and Systems 3, 680-695
– Helwegen, K. G., Wieners, C. E., Frank, J. E., & Dijkstra, H. A. (2019). Complementing CO2 emission reduction by solar radiation management might strongly enhance future welfare. Earth System Dynamics 10(3), 453-472.